3 Easy Steps To Ditch Admin Overwhelm and Streamline Your Business
Let me tell you a story about a coach. He’s a made up character, but I know that his story is typical of a lot of business owners, and it’s likely that you can relate to his story too.
“Tom” is in his first year of business. He is a very talented coach and although his confidence was a little shaky given his inexperience, his clients got a lot out of the sessions. Tom loved coaching others, it gave him that feel good factor and every time he coached, it confirmed that this new career direction was the right one.
But Tom was disorganised and it caused him stress. He didn’t have any systems in place in his business, and his back office was disorganised at best, slap-dash at worst. In his old corporate job, these systems were in place and he realised how much he took them for granted. He had a team, support staff and all the software to help him.
He wasn’t expecting that starting a business from scratch would be so confusing. The business cards were piling up, incomplete client notes scattered without dates or any identifying features, receipts in several locations awaiting input and good luck if he got any bookings – his diary was all over the place. It left him feeling unsettled and he really did want to show his family that he had things together and they could trust him to make a success of his fledgling business.
He knew he needed something but he was busy with clients, on social media, networking and signing up for as many free training courses as possible. There wasn’t time to sort the paperwork mess out, but the longer he left it the worse things became. It got to the point where the thought of bringing on new clients felt stressful because it meant that his growing admin pile got even bigger. What a pickle!
Can you see how this energy can block the business growth and development?
If you can identify with Tom’s story, then I’d love to invite you to take a moment to feel your feet on the ground, put your hands on your heart.
Affirm with me “I now choose to take responsibility for my business systems. I know that once I get organised, I can keep on top of it. The more organised I am, the more easily clients can flow into my business and the more relaxed I will feel.”
Here are some self-coaching questions that can help you create a system that works for you. An efficient business gives you the space to grow and means that you are free to enjoy doing the work you love.
How would I describe my business operations at the moment? Am I more organised or more disorganised most of the time? What impact is that having on my wellbeing and ability to grow my business?
When I think about attracting new clients into my business, how does that feel? What does that tell me?
What barriers have prevented me from getting organised?
What do I need or what can I put in place to overcome those barriers? Where can I find support?
Let’s look at the 3 easy steps you can take to ditch the admin overwhelm and streamline your business.
Step 1: Look at 8 key areas of your business and consider what is going well and what would benefit from more organisation:
1. Finances
2. Client files and notes
3. Sales and Marketing
4. Networking / Leads / Follow Ups
5. Courses / Professional Development / Coaching / Mentoring / Supervision
6. Stock management / products
7. Administrative Tasks
8. Facilities
You don’t have to do all 8 in one go! The goal here is to create less overwhelm so keep it simple! Choose the area that will have the greatest impact or feels the easiest for you to get started.
You can space this out and pick one area a week or book some time and blitz everything in one day. Decide what works best for you, start small and celebrate every little win along the way as they will add up to big gains over time.
To make things super simple, I’ve created a checklist to get you started on what you can be thinking about in each area as well as an action planner and space to make a note of the new insights you gain from this exercise.
Step 2: Celebrate what’s working well! Next, decide what action steps you can take to save time and make things simpler in the areas that can be improved.
When choosing where to prioritise, again keep things simple and ask for help when you need it.
Are there regular tasks that you can schedule in your diary to complete them regularly and stay on top of things? You are welcome to come to the fortnightly co-working sessions for some added accountability! Find out more about the co-working sessions here.
Are there tasks you can automate (e.g. social media scheduler, diary booking system)
Are there tasks you can outsource (e.g. bookkeeping)
What’s the one change you can make today to create some quick wins and make your life easier from now on?
Step 3: Keep The Vision In Mind
The ultimate goal for having a streamlined business is freeing up your time and doing more of what you love. This could be more family time, free up your focus to be more strategic and grow your business or increase your income by onboarding more clients.
What would a streamlined business give you? Why is that important to you?
What actions will you take, by when?
What is the consequence of not taking action?
What action are you committed to taking today?
I trust this has been a useful way to start to think about getting organised in your business and freeing up your time and focus for the things that matter most to you.
The Space Clearing Your Business Systems checklist is one part of the “Space Clearing For Success” masterclass, which is a complete guide to creating safe and sacred spaces to work and give treatments or sessions from, both physically and energetically. It is designed to enhance your practice – both for you and your clients.
In the Masterclass you’ll find a guidebook with some fab checklists to give you ideas of where you can declutter. We look at four key areas of space clearing your business:
Space Clearing Physically
Clutter clearing your treatment room and home office to make space for you to create a wonderful, on-brand ambiance for your clients and a focused place for you to work.
Space Clearing Your Business Systems
Running an efficient business helps you to create clarity, ease and flow – and saves lots of time in the long run, freeing you up to be more productive, serve more people and make more money!
Access the free guide here: https://healingbusiness.co.uk/spaceclearingchecklist/
Space Clearing Energetically
Creating the best possible inner and outer sanctuary to hold a truly powerful healing space for your clients.
Space Clearing Treatment Space
Creating a wonderful atmosphere and safe space to give treatments from.
Plus, there’s a guided visualisation to help you create an Optimum Treatment Space so you can be the best you can be for your clients, and there’s a brilliant replay of a call with guest expert Lesley Beattie. It’s packed full of practical tips and energetic tools so you can feel fully refreshed, aligned and in the flow!
The Healing Business Mastermind is packed full of masterclasses, client templates and checklists all designed to help you avoid overwhelm, grow a thriving business and attract clients with ease.
For further online training that shows you exactly how you can get organised this, including diary management, client onboarding and pre-designed templates, visit https://healingbusiness.co.uk/membership