Sarah Sienkiewicz

Hello! I’m Sarah Sienkiewicz

(pronounced Shen-kier-vitch)

I’m a Holistic Business Coach who loves supporting wellness practitioners like you, who want to magnetically attract clients with ease and flow, without the overwhelm.


I love working with wellness practitioners

When I first started my life-coaching business, like many newly self-employed, I was fresh out of training and had no idea how to attract clients! I went to a local networking group and it soon became clear that I needed to get better at talking about my business and explaining what I did. To be honest, as a full time mum I was just happy to be out in the evening, in a room full of adults!

During this time I coached many different business owners from different industries. It gave me a good idea of what the different challenges were that they were facing. Through this experience, I discovered that I love working with wellness practitioners because we go deeper and work with energy and intuition.

We have a shared passion for health and healing and feel a deep collective purpose to make a difference in the lives of others.

I wanted to meet like-minded business owners so set up the Healing Business Academy community. It’s a place where we can connect and support each other and our collective mission is to create health, wealth, vitality and equality for all.

picture of the My Fulfilled life planner next to flowers

I developed a simple guide to growing a thriving business


This new awareness of who I love to work with, their problems, and the solution I could provide with my skills, lead me to rebrand from being a life coach to creating Healing Business. I combined my 15 years’ experience of co-ordinating projects, streamlining workflows and creating efficient systems, the coaching models of goal setting and strategic planning, the sales and marketing training from my side hustle, together with the coaching and energy alignment techniques, to make a unique mind, body, energy approach to building and growing a thriving business.

The eureka moment, when everything clicked together, was something I wanted to help others to experience.

It feels incredibly energising when you can bring all of your strengths together and truly work in your zone of genius to help others.

In my corporate career, I made countless procedures manuals, delivered training and was networking before I knew it was a thing. I was on all the sports teams and social, charity and events committees. I love bringing people together and building relationships. These elements showed up in my business too, with the 50+ masterclasses I created in the Mastermind and the charity and networking events I’ve run over the years.

I developed the Create Your Aligned Strategy Course to help wellness practitioners simplify their marketing and build a business that aligns with their vision and passion. There’s so much information out there about different marketing methods, that I wanted to develop a really easy guide to grow your business that feels energising and aligned to you personally, without using sleazy gimmicks or manipulative tactics.

5 Simple Steps To A Thriving Wellness Business

Vision Icon Healing Business

1. Create an energetically aligned vision for your ideal business so you know what you’re working towards- and feel excited about it!

Initial Set Up and Systems

2. Design a streamlined business model, which means that your offers and pricing are profitable and give you sustainable success.

Branding and Marketing Icon Healing Business

3. Make a strategic marketing plan so you can attract your favourite kind of clients and get paid to do the work you love.

Healing Business V.I.B.E.S Energy Alignment

4. Clear blocks to success and energetic resistance to receiving and develop the courage to share your offers

Healing Business V.I.B.E.S Icon Sales

5. Feel confident to make sales and get organised so you promote your offers with a repeatable client attraction method that suits the way you love to work.

My Approach

The foundation of my work is adhering to coaching competencies, to ensure that the work we do is safe and impactful. As a coach I believe that the answers you seek are already within you and my role is to support you to discover them, by being present, actively listening and asking powerful questions.

Whether we are creating clarity in how to market and grow your business in a coaching session, or you are working through the guidebooks and training in the Course and Mastermind, everything is designed to ask the right questions to help you discover your truth.

Although an element of my work is training and mentoring about sales and marketing, the foundation is coaching…which means I don’t tell you what to do or give you advice without permission. You are empowered to be confident in your decisions and take action that is aligned with your values, your working styles and vision for your Fulfilled Life and business.

picture of the My Fulfilled life planner next to flowers

I have also trained in Soul Coaching Oracle Card reading and Emotional Freedom Technique. This means that, in addition to coaching, we can work intuitively and on an energetic level to understand the inner stories and shift the self-protection or resistance that may come up as you grow and promote your business. The addition of Sacred Money Archetypes means that we can design your next steps based on your strengths and ensure your strategy sets you up for success in a way that fits your unique personality and how you work best.

Experience and Qualifications

  • 12 years’ corporate career in all departments of business: co-ordinating projects, streamlining systems, creating efficiencies – from the post girl to Executive PA, and then in Marketing, HR, Facilities Management and Operations. (London, then Banbury Oxfordshire)
  • Qualified as a Coach in 2007 with Coaching Development
  • Career break between 2010 and 2014 to be a full time Mum
  • Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Practitioner 2013 with Denise Linn
  • Utility Warehouse Team Leader 2014 with extensive sales, marketing and leadership training
  • EFT Master Practitioner 2015 with Guild of Energists
  • First Degree Reiki Shoden 2017 with Greenshoots Health
  • Modern Stress Management Professional 2017 with Guild of Energists
  • Sacred Money Archetypes® Certified Coach 2021 with Kendall Summerhawk

Continued Professional Development

  • I am a member of the Association for Coaching and have attended monthly co-coaching sessions as part of my coaching CPD since 2015
  • I adhere to the AC Coaching Competency Framework
  • I have attended regular Coaching Supervision sessions since 2017 to reflect on my practice so that I can continue to provide a safe space and develop my coaching skills.
  • Member of Carrie Green’s Female Entrepreneur Association 2017-2023
  • Member of Denise Duffield Thomas’ Money Bootcamp 2020-present

Behind The Scenes

Alongside my business growth, I have been on a personal and spiritual development journey. I know the courage it takes to dig deep, face and clear your shadow stuff and grow through the challenges that come up when it comes to marketing your business and promoting your offers. Because of that, I am able to bring empathy and compassion to my work. I know that there are many paths to building a business and we work together to find yours- not take some off the shelf kit that doesn’t fit your needs.

I have studied and practiced law of attraction for over 20 years and designed the life I’m living today in my journal. My faith and spiritual connection truly is my rock. One of my go-to marketing strategies is “ask and you will receive”! Manifesting works so I encourage my clients to infuse law of attraction into their business growth.

I am a prolific creator and have enjoyed making courses, building the Mastermind, creating the blog and writing books like the My Fulfilled Life Planner and The Ultimate Guide To Being Perfect.

Outside of my business I’m a mixed media artist, am learning to play the piano and love to dance in my kitchen. I also volunteer extensively in my local community because I believe in the ripple effect and the difference these small acts of kindness can make.

We don’t just pray for a better world, we make it happen… one act of service, one client session, one leap of faith at a time. 

What my clients say...

My business had grown in different directions and I was feeling disjointed and out of alignment with it. I had to find a way to bring everything together into one place. Since working with Sarah, I now feel totally in alignment with my business, I have renewed energy and I’m excited about where my business can go.


Health Coach

Sarah is very easy to talk to and she really helped me to understand and start to plan my short and long term business goals. Sarah used her EFT skills to help clear a long standing block to my energy.


Cranial Sacral Therapist

If you feel “blocked” in any area of your life, I highly recommend Sarah Sienkiewicz for her knowledge, thorough care and absolute ability to recognise all the subtelties that can have a negative impact on your goals. She was spot on in all of the coaching sessions.


Yoga Teacher

Connect With Me

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Let’s Work Together!

I Work With Wellness Practitioners Who Are Looking To Simplify Their Marketing And Set Their Business Up For Long-Term Sustainable Success (without the hustle and gimmicks)