Sacred Money Archetypes® Reading


Are you ready to get rid of unconscious money blocks and start fresh on a path of creating freedom, independence and a healthy relationship with money?

In this coaching call you will discover YOUR Sacred Money Archetypes® and how they are showing up in your life. It’s kind of like a personality test and can show you deeper truths about  your habits and beliefs around money. You’ll learn all about your unique strengths and challenges with money, and discover an easy way to get started creating a fresh money story straight away.

As A Result Of Sacred Money Archetypes® Coaching…

+ You’ll understand what makes you tick when it comes to money, freeing you from
negative self –judgment.
+ You’ll discover what your core money strengths are and how to use them to make more money in your business
+ You’ll be free to make decisions from a place of empowerment, not fear. The freeing quality of relief that you’ll feel will immediately open new opportunities for you
+ You’ll no longer fall prey to unconscious sabotaging behaviour. It’s a blessing to be in control of your life in this way, authentically and easily
+ You’ll know what to do and what to say when someone you care about is “pushing your money boundaries”
+ You’ll feel confident and ready to make new decisions about your business that will take your income to a new level
+ Those stressful squabbles with your loved ones about money? Gone, because now you have the understanding and tools to come from your highest, best self

Once you purchase your reading you’ll receive an email with a link to book your 60 minute coaching session as well as the assessment to complete that will calculate your Top 3 Sacred Money Archetypes based on your answers.

Adina said “wow, it’s like you know me so well! I had an aha moment about how the Archetypes are working together in my business and am clearer now about how I can play to my strengths”.
Adina Oltean, Transformational Coach and Therapist at The Consciousness and Guidance Centre, London.

On the call I will share with you how your Sacred Money Archetypes® may be unconsciously affecting your relationship with, and decisions around, money so you can be more empowered and create a positive transformation going forward. I can’t wait to share this pivotal knowledge with you!

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